Algorithmic Music Composition for the Environment
"Algorithmic Music Composition for the Environment" is an interactive sound performance that translates scientific data on global warming into an auditory experience. This performance uses Max and Pure Data (Pd) to sonify climate-related metrics such as Global Land-Ocean Temperature, Sea Level Change, Antarctic Ice Mass Variation, and Atmospheric CO2 Levels, aiming to audibly represent the urgency of climate change. The artist manipulates and improvises with these sounds live, creating a dynamic performance that blends art with scientific advocacy.
The project was showcased at the DACA Matinee Concert at The House of Music and Music Theatre (MUMUTH), Graz, Austria as part of the DACA (Data Art for Climate Action) conference in Hong Kong.
*Data Art for Climate Action (DACA2022) is a dual-hub conference on interactive sonification and visualization for climate science communication. Funded by Environment and Conservation Fund and School of Creative Media at City University in partnership with Hong Kong Observatory (Hong Kong), Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik, Kunstuniversität Graz and Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change (Austria), and Frontiers Journal and Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary Privatstiftung (Switzerland).
Concert video from The House of Music and Music Theatre (MUMUTH), March 2022
Livestream of the concert: DACA Matinee Livestream GRAZ